
Google Smartwatch: What do we really know about the smartwatch being developed by Google?

Rumors and studies of the Google Watch have once again circulated on the Internet, and they have not stopped since 2011, when Google patented its solution and drafts with a series of patent certificates for a smart watch.

Practically all smart watches are already running at this moment Android an operating system whose father is right Google. So Pebble like Samsung's Gear but it somehow doesn't "take hold" on the market, because it seems that we have discarded watches as an object of desire and a status symbol a long time ago. The new generations, however, see it as something extremely nostalgic, rather than seeing an added useful value in it. And it is this generation that is in the very focus of the user experience of such products. And smart watches should also be intended for her.

Project Google's ure is exceptionally mysterious, as several scenarios take place behind the scenes, in which Google buys and sells certain technology companies that could be potential producers of this type of product. That will be it Nexus, maybe Motorola, which he just sold to Lenovo and thus strategically connected, and will he Google dared to be even more daring?!

Link to Google Glass
There are also increasingly strong hints that the Google Watch will share a common platform with the already developed Google Glass. In this way, Google would kill two birds with one stone and create an ecosystem for new personal devices of this type.

Google Nexus - Smartwatch - Definitely an extremely interesting and sexy concept!
Google Nexus – Smartwatch – Definitely an extremely interesting and sexy concept!

Different perspectives and quite possibly - just rumours
If you would Google really wanted it, we would already see the smart watch on the shelves. So it seems increasingly likely that it is Google he likes to be dominant and without competition in his field. He is currently demonstrating this with a futuristic project Google Glass, where Google has not yet won competition and seems to remain alone in this extremely interesting field.

Let us be surprised!

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