
Hankook Mirae Method-2: Robot suits are no longer science fiction

Hankook Mirae Method-2 Robot Suit

Do you remember the movie Ring of Fire (Pacific Rim) in which giant robots were controlled by pilots? Thanks to Vitaly Bulgarov and Korea Future Technology, these kinds of robots and mechanical muscles are no longer science fiction. The future is here and now. Meet the Hankook Mirae Method-2 robot suit.

What happens when heads collide a robot designer Vitaly Bulgarov, whose works have been seen in films such as Transformers, Terminator and Robocop and the computer games World of Warcraft, and the Korean company Korea Future Technology?

This is not a scene from a movie, people will be able to "wear" this already in 2018.
This is not a scene from a movie, people will be able to 'wear' this already in 2018.

A nearly 4-foot-tall robot suit Hankook Mirae Method-2, worthy of a futuristic movie. But that future is here and now. Well, it actually will mechanical suit done in a year, but many companies have already shown interest in it. The possibilities of use are numerous, and I hope that Bulgarov will be employed for them as well removing the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear accident, where working conditions are impossible due to radiation.

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The driver is sitting in a glass cabin (similar to a crane), and controls the robot, which for now can only walk on flat surfaces with controllers. Since the current version is powered by wire (as well as being tethered to prevent it from tipping over), the Hankook Mirae Method-2 is more likely than not confined to closed spaces. For outdoor use, wheels will be installed and provided own power source. The robotic suit will not be cheap, as it will have to be paid quite a bit 8 million euros.

Gallery - Hankook Mirae Method-2 Robot Suit:

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