
How long will it take you to get rid of the extra pounds you gained over the Christmas holidays?

Extra pounds accumulated for Christmas

The holidays are probably (too) full of food and drink. We hope that you spent them peacefully, in the circle of those closest to you, and that you rested from everyday worries. Good, because now is the time to start worrying again. Did the holidays bring you any extra pounds? You'll be shocked to learn the results of a study that found out how long it will take you to shed the extra pounds you gained over the Christmas holidays.

None Christmas holidays they don't pass without exaggerating food and drink, so many people gain a few extra pounds in December. How long do you think it will take you to shed the pounds you gained from the recent holidays? 14 days? One month? A month and a half? No! Because five months!

You will pay a heavy tax for holiday overeating.
You will pay a heavy tax for holiday overeating.

Yes, you read that right, holiday kilos you will melt everything there by May. At least that's according to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. If you want to be fit until summer, you have to go on a diet soon after the new year.

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Residents of Germany, Japan and the USA were included in the research (on the sample 3000 people), who, on average, are all dressed up for the holidays. A study found that keeping it simple during the holidays is more effective than losing weight don't overeat and thus prevent accumulation of fatty deposits.

Another year, you prefer to hold back a bit for the holidays. It's still easier than being on a long-term diet later.
Another year, you prefer to hold back a bit for the holidays. It's still easier than being on a long-term diet later.

Which is easier said than done when you're sitting behind a table that wobbles under the weight of delicacies. It's the same with weight as it is with reputation. We build it for years, but lose it in a second. It's the same with a fit body. Enough of the festive 'weakness' and it goes down the drain, and as you can see, we are paying for our sins for a long time to come. The doctor Brian Wansink otherwise he says yes half of the weight gained we lose it quite quickly, and the second part, despite discipline – healthy eating and regular exercise – is 'stubborn' like a red wine stain.

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