
Hide and Seek: Living in the Digital Age in One Photo

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek is a photo series that summarizes life in the digital age in one photo. It is a project by photographer Kamil Kotarba, who erased people from scenes from everyday life, leaving only their hand holding a smartphone. With surrealistic scenes, he draws attention to the negative effects that mobile devices have on our lives. Shocking!

Everywhere you look, you will see a man with a smartphone in his hand. Hide and Seek is an interesting sight Kamila Kotarba to this pressing problem. The Polish photographer presented a series of photos of everyday situations from our lives, where a person only had a hand with a smartphone. Because we devote more and more time and attention screen, life slips through our fingers, surreal scenes however, they highlight the consequences of technological obsession, when people no longer talk to neighbors and friends, but prefer to socialize with screens.

READ MORE: Removed smartphones from photos to show how obsessed we are with them

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