
Ikea named the products after the interpersonal problems they solve

Ikea named its products after the relationship problems they solve.

They say that for every disease a rose grows, and Ikea says that for every problem in an interpersonal relationship its product 'grows'. Ikea is known for having products with interesting names. This is no coincidence, as the founder is dyslexic. Therefore, instead of product codes, he invented a naming system to make products easier to remember. He named garden furniture after Swedish islands, gave chairs and tables male names, larger products after major Swedish places... Now Ikea turned to Google for inspiration and named the products after the most searched terms in the field of relationship problems. Each product solves the problem for which it was named.

Ikea has named some of its new products after problems in interpersonal relationships. A website was created for this purpose Retail Therapy, where for every relationship problem, there's an Ikea product to solve it. The 'partner therapists' included a bed, a bicycle, an oven, champagne glasses and a dressing table. They address those relationship problems that Swedes have most frequently searched for in the Google search engine. Do you have this kind of problem? Forget the therapist, all you need is an Ikea piece of furniture!

READ MORE: People who have no idea about assembling Ikea furniture

The campaign was carried out by Ikea with a Swedish agency Åkestam Holst and is part of the new Where Life Happens campaign. Recently, Ikea also surprised with a copy of the Syrian home inside your store. You can read more about this in the article Ikea placed a replica of a Syrian apartment in the store.

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