
Got dirty thoughts? What do you see in the photo?

Optical illusion

If the internet has taught us anything, it's that not everything is as it seems. The world is full of optical illusions, which people interpret differently. A hotel ad has been tearing the web apart recently, and now here's an even more provocative photo. When Hua Song was looking for ideas for new bedding on Facebook, she got a response from a company with a picture that Song initially thought was from a personal collection...

You have dirty thoughts? Did this photo also make you think of lewd thoughts? In reality, this is a completely innocent and boring bedroom photo, which just goes to show how fat you really are.

READ MORE: What color are these flip flops? A phenomenon that separates the web like a dress!

Can you see the crotch too?
Can you see the crotch too?

The photos first appeared in a Facebook group Baoxiao Commune in response to demand Hua Song about bedding and later spread like wildfire across the social network.

Can you still see your crotch?
Can you still see your crotch?

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