
And the sexiest man alive 2017 is…

Who is the sexiest man alive 2017? People magazine has again chosen the sexiest living man in the world, but this time it turned out to be a slightly more controversial choice, which is just not so popular with the masses. Last year Dwayne Johnson earned the flattering title, but who this year?

Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham, Channing Tatum, Chris Hemsworth, George Clooney, Bradley Cooper..., these are just a few of the men who in recent years have been from the American magazine People received a flattering title the sexiest man in the world. This year, the choice may be a bit less well-known, but certainly more controversial. Sexiest man in the world 2017 it is Blake Shelton.

The Sexiest Man Alive 2017 is Blake Shelton.
The Sexiest Man Alive 2017 is Blake Shelton.

If you now asked yourself "Um, who?", no problem. This is the reaction of most Europeans. Blake Shelton is 41 years old singer from Nashville, the judge in all 12 episodes of the American version of The Voice and husband of Gwen Stefani. And according to People magazine, now too the sexiest man in the world.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani
Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani

Quite a few people do not agree with this decision, the majority of them voted Idris Elba.

"The winner of people's hearts" is Idris Elba.
"The winner of people's hearts" is Idris Elba.

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