
iPhone 7 concept

iPhone 7

The iPhone 7 concept smartphone is already out there, even though the iPhone 6 hasn't even started cooling yet. But that didn't stop Yasser Farahi-led Dutch design firm OvalPicture from unveiling its vision for the next-generation iPhone. Apple enthusiasts will surely be over the moon with this news.

iPhone 7 he has already pushed himself into the foreground, but only as an angle concept or vision. Namely, in the time of pickles, which is when manufacturers of smart mobile devices are euphoric about a new model, there is a time and place for concepts. And that time has come for Apple now. The iPhone 6 is out, so they are already appearing guesswork, what a week it will be. It is to be expected that we will get more in the meantime iPhone 6s, but this will only be an upgrade of the existing model, while the iPhone 7 will be something completely new.

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Will the iPhone 7 be a worthy successor?
Will the iPhone 7 be a worthy successor?

The first guesses were that he would have three-dimensional display, an extremely high quality digital camera (14 megapixels),…, well, Yasser Farahi from OvalPicture he imagined it like this. It will come in five different colors, even more emaciated like its predecessor (it will now have around the waist instead of 6.9 only 6.1 mm), it will flow through it iOS 9 operating system, the screen will be made of sapphire, the camera will be hidden as a periscope when not in use, the "knobs" for the volume will be on the right for easier access, it will have an additional speaker, stereo sound and should enable a much better movie and music user experience. And the iPhone 7 is finally set to get what some Androids have had for years. Possibility of wireless charging, which is why a perfect concept was created charging devices.

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