
Illustrations by James Chapman: What do kiss and other things sound like in different languages?

There are thousands of languages in the world, but a smile says everything. The same could be said for kisses, snoring, drinking, pain, barking,... But once we want to describe them with a word, they sound different in every language. The Englishman James Chapman therefore prepared an illustrated dictionary that teaches us about interjections used to describe certain actions or sounds.

Although we all understand what it is about and we don't need these things translator or dictionary in order to understand them, on paper, as well as otherwise, these sounds are described differently. Cultural environments gave birth to different ones interpretations, which in turn translate into unique ones interject, which are unique to each language.

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Illustrator and psychology student James Chapman maybe he's not polyglot, but that's why he prepared it cute illustrations, which he accompanied with words, which describe the sound of a certain action or interjects we use for the expression certain mental state.

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