
How to deal with a psychopathic boss?

How to deal with a psychopathic boss?

How to deal with a psychopathic boss? Probably no one is surprised by the fact that people who suffer from psychopathy and are not capable of empathy, despite this (or perhaps precisely because of it) are often found in leadership positions. Many successful people, such as leading politicians, genius surgeons and indispensable managers, are labeled as psychopaths. There is therefore a certain possibility for an ordinary person to meet a psychopathic superior at his workplace. How to react in such a case?

How to deal with a psychopathic boss? A study was done at the University of British Columbia, with what form of communication does the psychopath have a reduced possibility of manipulation and victories at the expense of another. In a study in which more than 200 students participated, they found that it is much easier to achieve something with psychopathic superiors if communication does not take place personally.

Got a psychopath for a boss? It will be easier for you after reading this article.
Got a psychopath for a boss? It will be easier for you after reading this article.

The psychopath's key tool for dominance and manipulation is non-body language, which can include a confident handshake, steady eye contact, and an overly confident smile.

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The next time you find yourself at odds with a psychopathic boss, try to avoid personal communication and conflict. Resolve requests through other communication channels. Fortunately, the technological revolution has equipped us well for this fight.

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