
How you see yourself and how your dog sees you

How dogs see us vs. how we see ourselves

Have you ever wondered how dogs see us? And not in terms of colors, because dogs do not perceive as wide a range of colors as humans, but as a person. Humans are our own biggest critics and often see ourselves much worse than others see us. Want to know why dogs are man's best friend? No one sees us in as positive a light as dogs do. Where we ourselves see faults, dogs see superpowers. For them, we are heroes, saviors, saints, guardian angels. To them we are the whole world and more. So how do we see ourselves and how do dogs see us? The next time you're in a bad mood, just ask yourself how your dog sees you and you'll be in a good mood in no time!

People are often mean to themselves extremely critical. Many times we only see bad things. We consider ourselves mediocre, unattractive, obscene. But at least there is someone in the world who is convinced that you are the best person in this world. Your dog!

READ MORE: Cute footage of dogs (almost) overcome by sleep

Think you're nobody? To a dog, you are the ruler of the world! Do you think you are unworthy of love? You are a kindred spirit for a dog! Do you think you are unattractive? You are the most beautiful person in the world for a dog! So the next time you feel frustrated, in a bad mood, in despair, stop and ask: "What does my dog think of me?" And you'll feel much better in no time!

How you see yourself and how your dog sees you:

PS: Never ask this about a cat, because then you will feel even worse.

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