
Kiss Me Now, Meet Me Later: Is there love at first kiss?

Love at first kiss

That love is blind is an old wisdom. Is it true? Toronto-based filmmaker Jordan Oram decided to put that thought to the test. He therefore invited eight strangers to his social experiment "Kiss Me Now, Meet Me Later", blindfolded them, allowed them to chat with each other for a bit, and then shocked them with the news that they had to kiss. And what did he discover in the process? Is there such a thing as love at first kiss?

We all know how important it is first kiss. And although we usually have then closed eyes, we at least saw the person on the other side of the lips before. Jordan Oram he did not give this luxury to his test subjects. They had to kiss without first seeing each other. Which is pretty inconvenient for a human being, given that he is looks are usually the ones that break the ice. Well, there is such a thing as it is love at first kiss?

READ MORE: 10 different kissing styles or kisses that women don't like

Would you go for a blind kiss?
Would you go for a blind kiss?

According to the social experiment "Kiss Me Now, Meet Me Later", we would say that the answer is 'yes', because among the many couples in Oram's studio are sparks jumped. Can a "lucky kiss" create chemistry? What about you, would you kiss a stranger? And we don't mean someone who you met in the middle of the dance floor and pressed your lips to hers before they even introduced themselves.

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