
What qualities make a woman ideal?

Every now and then - more rarely - men meet the woman of their dreams. It's always unexpected and almost never fits the point of life a man is currently at, but nevertheless, such a woman seems to change their life forever. The dynamic between a man and a woman changes, but the essence of the partnership remains the same - love. If you are lucky enough to have found such a woman, never let her go. In fact, if a woman has any combination of these twelve qualities, then by all means do not let her go.

1. The woman is smarter than you.

Every man needs a smarter woman to help him through life in one piece. They say that behind every successful man is an even more successful woman - and they're not lying. Namely, the male ego is suddenly given purpose, direction and wisdom.

2. The woman is beautiful.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if your woman is incredibly beautiful and the most beautiful according to your criteria, then by no means let her go. Beauty is something that exists from the first moment we open our eyes - it's not something to be ashamed of, it's something we have to learn to properly appreciate.

3. The woman is kind and caring.

Good people are kind people. And a woman is already born with a maternal instinct and greater care. If you want to start a family one day, then make sure you find a woman who is suitable and wants to be a mother.

4. A woman is full of life.

Life gets hard and dreary from time to time. This can lead to boredom and monotony. Women were not created to entertain men - if anything, it was probably the other way around - but a woman who is lively, energetic and hungry for adventure will add dynamism to your life.

5. A woman loves you with all her heart.

This is by far the most important quality in any woman. When women love, they love with all their soul. This is not the same kind of love that a man experiences. Women have the ability to devote themselves exclusively to the person they love. Such a woman is the greatest gift of the universe.

6. A woman is ready to make compromises.

We humans are stubborn. We like things the way we like them and don't feel the need to change them. But relationships require compromises, especially if we want the relationship to work.

READ MORE: What is love?

7. A woman makes you feel at home.

Being together in love means that together we are looking for our place in the world, our home. And there's no place in the world you'd rather be. When you look into a woman's eyes and see yourself, your soul in them, then you are home.

8. A woman tells you when you're wrong.

Every man needs a woman to tell him when he's doing something wrong. A woman who tries to get you on the "right" path can do it very well or she can ruin your life.

9. A woman is strong but feminine.

We all have different tastes and different things and we are attracted to women - and they are all a combination of strength and femininity. A strong woman is the partner every man needs.

10. A woman is passionate.

A life full of passion is a life worth living. But passion alone in life is impossible. There is passion between two individuals - in one way or another. And the beauty of passion is that it's contagious.

11. A woman has a motivation and a goal.

Some men wish women were at home. There are women who want the same. Nevertheless, men always want a woman who pursues some goals. Even if you want her to stay at home, then you have to make sure that she is driven by the desire to take care of the children and the home. Without desire, there is no purpose.

12. A woman means everything to you.

Sometimes we love so much that it exceeds our limits, and at the same time we are not sure why. We don't need a reason for that. If we love and cannot imagine life without a certain person, then we must not allow ourselves to lose them.

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