
Cloud 9 floating bar - heaven on earth is in Fiji

Bar in Fiji Cloud 9

As if Fiji, made up of a series of around 300 islands, was not already attractive enough with its natural beauty, literally in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by nothing but crystal clear water, coral reef and horizon, they have built the only two-story floating bar on Fiji. It sounds like the name Cloud 9, which in English means a state of absolute happiness.

Two-story floating bar Cloud 9 it does not lie on one of the 300 islands in Fiji, but it is closest to the island of Viti Levu, which is its largest island, home to almost two-thirds of Fiji's ethnic rainbow (composed of Fijians, Indians and many other races). The bar has capacity for 100 people and, in addition to the international range of drinks and a bread oven for preparing pizzas, offers guests rocking beds, hanging chairs and an unforgettable view of the vast sea from all sides. There are also activities to choose from such as swimming, diving and parasailing towed by a speedboat, and soon other types of water sports will be available.

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Fiji's Cloud 9 bar is the definition of pleasure.
Fiji's Cloud 9 bar is the definition of pleasure.

Of course, you don't have to swim to Cloud 9 Bar from the main island. You can get there by renting theirs jet ski, you sit down on the Excitor jet boat (it takes 10 minutes to drive, and three quarters of an hour with a regular boat), but you can also arrange your own transport.

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