
Leica x Master & Dynamic – 0.95 edition headphones: this is every audiophile's dream

Leica x Master & Dynamic – "special 0.95 edition"

Just like the modern collaborations of fashion brands, technology brands are increasingly combining their skills to create extraordinary series of products aimed at those who value absolute excellence. This time Leica and Master & Dynamic joined forces.

A New York company Master & Dynamic has joined forces with the legendary German company Leica, to create a trio of 0.95 series headsets, honoring one of the best lenses of all time, the Leica Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH.

'Master & Dynamic for 0.95' continues the tradition of exceptional aesthetics and high quality in the form of an interweaving of premium materials, such as cowhide, stainless steel... The dedication to detail in the special series can be found in the engraved elements 'Designed by Leica Camera AG'. These are three models of Master & Dynamic premium headphones: MW60 (wireless headphones), MH40 and ME05.

leica x master & dynamic - special 0.95 edition
leica x master & dynamic –
special 0.95 edition

They will be available from 175 euros to 530 euros, namely in the Master & Dynamic online store from May 11. But given the demand, you'll have to hurry, as the limited run is expected to sell out immediately.

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