
Cute illustrations of clever puns

Even so, everyday phrases and sayings, properly presented, can turn out to be incredibly cute and funny. Proof: these cute minimalistic illustrations depicting fun puns.

Just in case.
Just in case.

Nabhan Abdullatif, a graphic designer from Oman, with minimalistic illustrations brings completely mundane phrases to life in ways that are imaginative, comical, and above all, incredibly endearing.

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I couldn't hold it any longer.
I couldn't hold it any longer.

Phrases and phrases that we regularly and unconsciously use all the time, si Nabhan Abdullatif he obviously presents and interprets quite literally and when he puts these puns on paper (or screen), the result is this cuteness:

I have a day named after me!
I have a day named after me!

True form! A carved figure of a triangle next to the elongated body of the pyramid.

Stay in shape.
Stay in shape.

You make me feel 'safe' :)

You make me feel safe.
You make me feel safe.

I'm so 'board'! How many times a day do we say that?

I'm so 'board'!
I'm so 'board'!

It all seems logical, and yet: you could remember something like that?

Make up your mind.
Make up your mind.
I've been under a lot of pressure lately!
I've been under a lot of pressure lately!
Taking control!
Taking control!

You already know which one illustrated hero will it grace (at least) the background of your smartphone?

See more cute illustrations in the gallery

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