
Lomo'Instant: a lomo photography experiment

The days of Polaroids and analog photography seem light years ago, and its fans relegated to obscurity. That's why they joined forces and today bring the best of both worlds. The proof is the Lomo'Instant camera, which offers the experimental nature of lomo photography, rejecting the rigor of the rules of the digital world, and instant technology that shows the 'tongue' every time you press the shutter.

The return of the 'unwritten' was thus made possible by the same technology that gave them the swan song and with the arrival Lomo'Instant the camera's refraction effect - a graphic effect that imitates the movement of analog photography - returns from Instagram to its original form and moves to its original owner. But digital photography earned this on its own, because with its perfectionism it brought us so far that we stopped judging frozen moments by captured emotions and shifted the focus to cold technicalities such as sharpness, correct lighting and following the golden rule. With it, we gained in the quality of photography, but lost in the quality of the experience.

A Lomo'Instant it is, however, more than just a nostalgic leap into the past and more than just a Lomo camera, because if we allow it a bit of wide-angle - excuse me - wide-mouth, it offers not only a wide-angle lens, but also Polaroid technology, infinite exposure time (suitable for drawing with light) and accessories such as fisheye, color gels and flash. Lomo'Instant is currently raising funds on the crowdfunding page Kickstarter, where you can support the project.

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More information: kickstarter.com

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