
Autumn 2016 fashion trends: autumn will be characterized by caps, hats and berets

Fashionable headwear fall 2016

What are the fashion trends for fall 2016? Autumn wind is around the corner. The time will soon come when the summer wardrobe will have to be replaced with transitional and autumn pieces. With autumn comes one of the most versatile fashion accessories – the headgear. Autumn 2016 will be marked by beanies, hats and berets.

What are they like fashion trends for autumn 2016? Fall fashion is what should make everyone fall in love with fall. This season brings so many different combinations to the wardrobe, so many different fashion pieces and as many fashion trends as any other season.

READ MORE: Fall 2016 Women's Fashion: This Fall's Key Pieces

There will be berets again.
There will be berets again.

Just like nature, which prepares the right before hibernation fireworks of colors, all colors, shoes of all shapes and sizes are also welcome in autumn hats of all styles. This fall will be in the sign cap beanies, hats and berets. Below we offer you some inspiration for the coming season.

Fall 2016 fashion trends – caps, hats and berets:

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