
The most expensive skateboard in the world

The most expensive skateboard in the world definitely belongs to the impossible category. Consisting of an alloy containing 99.9% of gold, there are only 6 pieces and the price is astronomical and is set at 15.000$. Matthew Willet, the designer and owner of the specialized skateboard store SHUT from New York, is the brainchild of the skateboard, which has no real utility value, but in a world without limits it certainly represents a unique collector's item.

Considering the fact that most of the skateboards measure in length 80 centimeters, a width of just over 20 centimeters and weighs 4 kilograms, which is more than 80 percent more than a normal gold alloy skateboard, then the value of the skateboard is a logical consequence. 15.000$ the valuable skateboard is fully functional and the user can of course use it without any obstacles. The question is whether this is actually its main purpose. According to the words Matthew Willet it is mainly a collector's item and a work of art.

Manufacturing process remains a complete mystery, as it took several trials to perfect the manufacturing process and make the skateboard also fully functional. Nevertheless, a warning applies to all future owners that the skateboard is extremely sensitive, so the user must wear it special gloves with which a special shine and an almost mirror-like finishing layer are preserved. The so-called skateboard "The Golden Skateboard” is definitely something completely different in its category.

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