
Natura Vive Skylodge – adrenaline-filled suspended hotel

If anyone, then climbers are used to living in the harshest conditions and if anyone, then they have tough skin. Freezing and similar inconveniences are their daily routine, not to mention the dangers they are exposed to. But if you would like to sleep like real climbers in a wall, but you don't want to sacrifice the comfort of a hotel or even your life, Natura Vive Skylodge, a rock wall accommodation in Peru, now allows you to do so.

In the Holy Valley in Peru Natura Vive Skylodge offers unusual accommodation. A case of living in a rock wall and if you want to get to your room that is 122 meters high, there are no stairs that lead you there, but just as many meters of climbing up the cliff.

And no, there's not just a hanging bed waiting for you, like the kind real climbers set up, there's a transparent cabin waiting for you that offers you the comfort of a hotel room, with a panoramic view that has no equal in the world. Guests can reach it via the Via Ferrata, the iron path, that is, with climbing metal stairs or by abseiling on a steel rope ("zip line"). Although it sounds intimidating, it is no climbing experience necessary for no variant.

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Natura Vive Skylodge offers accommodation in three 7.3 meters long and 2.4 meters high apartments that can host up to eight people. Each has beds, a dining area, a sink, a bathroom with an eco-toilet, curtains for more privacy and solar panels, which store the energy of the solar cells in the battery. They are made of aluminum, which is used in the space industry, and weather-resistant polycarbonate. The rental includes transportation from the location Cusco (southeastern part of Peru along the Andes mountain range), professional guides, breakfast and dinner with wine.

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