
The new Nissan Leaf (2018): a new image of the world bestseller

The Nissan Leaf is the best-selling electric car in the world. It was first introduced to the market in 2010, and more than 280,000 Leafs have been sold so far. After the Tesla Model 3, the arrival of the new Nissan Leaf is certainly one of the most important electric news. The new Nissan Leaf (2018) thus offers innovations in technology, greater autonomy and a completely new design.

Nissan is with the introduction of a new Nissan Leaf procrastinated for quite some time, maybe even too long for some. But now he's here, and from what we've seen, we can conclude that Nissan didn't just want to replace him, they want to stay with the newcomer first place among electric cars. This is with arrival Tesla and other electric car manufacturers has become more difficult, if not impossible.

The new generation of Nissan Leaf will be available with two batteries with capacity 40 kWh and 60 kWh. With the first, it should be possible to drive around 378 kilometers according to the NEDC cycle. The stronger one should enable reaching distances over 400 kilometers far, but unfortunately there are no official measurements yet. The electric motor remains the same as on the current Leaf, i.e. with power 110 kW, but it has been adapted and now more power goes to the wheels. The final strength is thus 147 horsepower. The 40-kilowatt battery is charged via a standard household socket  8  to 16 hours, and with the help of fast charging, the battery is up to 80 % full in 40 minutes. Top speed is still limited to 144 km/h.

With the help of fast charging, the battery up to 80% is fully charged in 40 minutes.
With the help of fast charging, the battery up to 80 % is fully charged in 40 minutes.

The design of the new Nissan Leaf is significantly changed, both external and internal. At Nissan, they paid attention to the shortcomings of the previous model, such as the connection for charging the car. This one now has a modified upward angle, which means that you no longer have to bend down when you want to "dock" the car. The most notable innovation is the so-called e-Pedal. The function is turned on by pressing the button, which turns the gas pedal into a brake pedal at the same time. The system works with use regenerative forces. To increase speed, press the pedal, to brake, take your foot off it. It sounds complicated, but it's not. Even inexperienced drivers will learn it quickly. We can also mention the function ProPILOT, which is already Nissan's step against autonomous driving and can almost drive itself in the middle of the highway lane.


The Nissan Leaf will available on the Slovenian market in spring 2018, and enters the market sovereignly and very confidently.

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