It's the same with smartphones as it is with human rights. For their greater safety (against falls, scratches, dust, etc.), we have to give up some of their functions. That's how it was until now! Namely, Universe is coming, a modular case for smartphones, when using which you will not have to give up any of the accessories it offers in the name of safety.
While Google was making modular phone (Project Ara), is a trademark OtterBox prepared modular cover Universe, which enables the use of all the phone's accessories even if it is worn in protective case. It has a modular protective case removable parts. Currently, it is only tailored to the Apple phone iPhone 6 (and newer models).
READ MORE: Google Ara: The first modular phone is coming next year
Otterbox individual modules he did not make it himself, but rather partnered with other manufacturers of such accessories for smartphones. Polar Pro for example, he contributed a photo tripod, an extra battery, a Bluetooth speaker and a fisheye lens, Manatee Works barcode scanner, SanDisk memory cards, Influx wireless signal booster ... All these accessories can be paired with the iPhone without using the phone in Eve's costume, i.e. without a case. Universe is available for (calculated) 45 euros.
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