Although the view of the office desk today is completely different from that of 20 or 30 years ago and technology is advancing at the speed of light, some of the office equipment and technology that took root in the 1970s are still used today. Guess which ones?
Did you know that you are surrounded by many office supplies and devices from the 70s, which we still use on a daily basis? Despite the tremendous progress in technology (in the last ten years we have achieved 100 years of progress) are still with us quite a few inventions and innovations from (from the point of view of technology) the distant past, which successfully they defy the ravages of time and are still relevant today.
READ MORE: An awesome visualization from the Harvard Innovation Lab showing the history of our desk
Among them we find laser printer, which was first introduced way back in 1971, mobile phone, and the microprocessor is a pocket calculator with an LED display, self-adhesive sheets and even floppy disks still used by the US government today!