
An awesome visualization from the Harvard Innovation Lab showing the history of our desk

The development of the computer over the past 35 years has been almost imperceptible. Sometimes we just forget how much new technologies have influenced the design of our workplace.

Sometimes it's easy to forget how fast the development of the desktop computer took place. Its constant improvement also affected our workspace and especially the appearance of our work table. Today, we don't need additional accessories that used to take up a lot of space in our workspace, because a table in our favorite bar is enough for a perfect working environment.


The space that used to be "decorated" by post-it notes, clips, planners, address books, calendars, markers, piles of paper and forms has in modern times acquired a completely new, fresh and, above all, minimalist image. Everything we need these days is right on the computer.


Let's take a look at an interesting video from the Harvard Innovation Lab that shows the fascinating 35-year evolution of the desk, which we still take too often for granted.


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