
Recipe: Elderberry panna cotta

Elderberry panna cotta

The elderberry is in full bloom, so hurry up and pick it. Do this in sunny weather, as you want the elderflowers when they are completely dry and fully open. And those, of course, that are away from the roads. Once a medicine box for peasants, today, in addition to its many medicinal properties, it is also a culinary treat. So why not use it to make a decadent dessert, elderberry panna cotta.

The panna cotta is exceptional an attractive dessert, which allows a lot of space for the chef's imagination. Since the elder is in bloom, it would be a shame to just watch it, when we can make an excellent dessert out of it. How, below.

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Recipe for elderberry panna cotta:

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 50 g of elder flowers
  • 50 g of brown sugar
  • 250 ml of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of real vanilla
  • grated lemon peel
  • a hint of cinnamon
  • gelling agent Agar Agar
  • for decoration: raspberries or strawberries

Preparation instructions:

First, carefully clean the elderflowers. Then almond milk into which we poured the prescribed amount brown sugar, vanilla and cinnamon, boil. Add elderflowers and grated lemon peel and let it stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, heat it again and add the remaining ingredients- gelatin. Fill four 150-milliliter glasses with lukewarm liquid and set aside in the cold for at least four hours before serving the elderberry panna cotta. If you want to really enchant, decorate the dessert with raspberries or strawberries marinated in elderberry syrup.

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