
Recipe: real Greek tzatziki

Recipe for real Greek tzatziki.

Learn how to make real Greek tzatziki, a summery Greek dish of pickles and yogurt that's ready in minutes. The classic recipe calls for dill and garlic, but you can allow yourself a lot of creative independence and add something else to the pickles and yogurt (instead of dill, for example, fresh parsley).

Greek tzatziki prepare quickly and easily. A refreshing Greek vegetable specialty it is perfect for hot summer days, as it is suitable for both picnics and other types of parties, and it can also save you from trouble when unannounced visitors appear at the door. Besides, you will the sauce cooled down nicely, but at the same time you won't be sweating next to the stove, which we prefer to avoid on hot days.

READ MORE: What to eat on hot summer days?

Refreshing Greek Tzatziki.
Refreshing Greek Tzatziki.

Tzatziki is easy a side dish to grilled dishes, but we can also serve it as an independent dish or as a spread for bread.

Recipe for Greek Tzatziki:

Ingredients for Greek Tzatziki:

  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 pot of firm plain yogurt (real Greek yogurt is best)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of white vinegar
  • 1 sprig of fresh dill
  • pinch of salt
  • a pinch of pepper (optional)

Procedure for preparing Greek tzatziki:
First, peel the cucumber, grate it into strips, squeeze them and discard the excess water. The key is to get rid of all the liquid or the sauce will be watery. Then peel the garlic and finely chop it together with the dill. Mix everything together in yogurt and add pepper, salt, oil and vinegar. Mix well and leave in the refrigerator for a good hour to cool. Serve cold. Have a good run!

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