
Recipe: Vegan Mango Ice Cream, A Piece of Heaven

If you think this dessert looks delicious, then you have to try it. Fruity like sorbet and creamy like ice cream, except without a drop of milk (or other dairy products). It is also free of saturated fat, cholesterol and added sugar. Here is an easy recipe for vegan mango ice cream.

Creamy, delicious ice creams are often calorie bomb. A small serving of vanilla ice cream (about half a cup) should have just enough 250 calories – 17 grams of fat and 85 milligrams of cholesterol. So if you're watching your calorie intake, then this cold dessert is absolutely the better choice, vegan mango ice cream.


Why not treat yourself to a healthy ice cream?
Why not treat yourself to a healthy ice cream?

Ingredients for Mango Vegan Ice Cream:

  • 1 cup frozen mango chunks
  • 2 frozen bananas (unpeeled)
  • dark chocolate for decoration

Preparation of mango vegan ice cream:

Cut the bananas and put them in a blender or food processor and add the mango. Mix until you get a smooth mass. Serve in two cups and garnish with dark chocolate. Have a good run!

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