
Samsonite and Samsung are preparing smart luggage that will check itself in at the airport

Samsung and Samsonite with luggage that checks itself in at the airport.

Samsonite and Samsung are developing a new generation of smart luggage that will check itself in at the airport. This will unlock the queues and rooting of passengers in front of the check-in counter. This will be ensured by a built-in electronic chip, which will automatically detect the airport where its owner has entered and automatically connect the traveler to the flight and final destination. The luggage will also be equipped with a GPS navigation system to communicate its location via smartphone.

Samsonite and Samsung they are preparing the first one smart luggage, which will be at the airport reported by herself. According to the CEO of the suitcase and bag brand Ramesh Tainwal's Samsonite namely, it is not enough that smart luggage is only good at communicating with us, it must also know much more than just communicating the location.

Samsung and Samsonite are preparing the first smart luggage that will check itself in at the airport.
Samsung and Samsonite are preparing the first smart luggage that will check itself in at the airport.

And while they announced the imminent "outcome" of the travel bag, which saves us from waiting at the baggage check-in counter, their engineers are already planning suitcases that would (somewhere at a distance of 15 centimeters) followed the owner (also with the help of the remote control). You will have to wait a little longer for these, as the first prototypes are still too heavy and too big electric motors (they weigh around 20 kilograms and take up a third of the space of the travel bag).

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And how will the case with automatic registration worked? The chips will communicate with airlines, informed them about the weight of the luggage and the destination. With this, they will skip quite a bit of airport "bureaucracy", including manual labeling. Initially, suitcase intelligence will only be possible to use in connection with major airlines (Lufthansa, Emirates,…), and others will join them in the future.

No more waiting in line at the baggage claim counter.
No more waiting in line at the baggage claim counter.

In addition to GPS and chips, the luggage will also contain a system that will detect the opening by the airport staff and warn us about it, and at the same time we will also be informed about when it will move from the plane to the collection belt.

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