
SmartPlate - a smart plate that tells you what and how much you eat #kickstarter

The smart plate SmartPlate

Counting calories has already been encountered by many people. We count them because we want to control the amount of food we eat, which nowadays adds pounds faster than ever before. Of course, there are many apps that help us count, but none go as far as the SmartPlate from startup Fotly, which knows exactly what and how much you've eaten. Now you will be able to relax completely and finally enjoy your food again.

SmartPlate outwardly it is a completely ordinary plate divided into three parts, which offers much more than just a surface for food. It is even so smart that it will even tell you when you want to eat too much, and it does so by collecting nutrient data in your diet. They allow him to collect in hidden pages mini cameras, which use algorithms to understand what is on the plate and weight sensor, and the Internet is also a great help to him data base of the United States Department of Agriculture (accessed through the Wi-Fi technologies).

This is how the SmartPlate has hidden miniature cameras.
This is how the SmartPlate has hidden miniature cameras.

This collection of data enables him an accurate analysis of the contents on the plate, from weight, calories to nutrients (eg sugar and carbohydrate content). Information to you in real time with help Bluetooth technologies served on the smartphone via free apps (for Android and iOS).

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The biggest advantage of the SmartPlate is that you know which nutrients you consumed and how much of them. The amount of food itself can sometimes be deceptive. Another advantage is that everything is done automatically. No entries and copying of numbers from declarations, no weighing. Cameras and algorithms take care of everything.

The smart plate SmartPlate shares in connection with a smartphone and the corresponding application.
The smart plate SmartPlate shares in connection with a smartphone and the corresponding application.

For cases when you're on the go and you don't have a smart plate with you, you can help yourself with the app itself, because it can read barcodes. After a while, it will "measure up" to you also a ready-made meal. If it be Fotly with a plate on Kickstarter succeeded, you can expect it on the dining tables once this time in 2016, but before that you will have to clearly deduct approx 180 euros. Before that, check how it works in practice.

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