
Sauna club Breza: To health with a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise and relaxation

In today's fast pace of life, everyone needs to take time for themselves. The daily rush, forced rhythm of work, lack of time and therefore also activities, as well as personal problems, poor immune system, stress-related weight gain, can be managed to a large extent by positive thinking and above all by taking time for ourselves. To ensure that your day is really full of positive energy, at Klub Breza, where I advise on a healthy diet in combination with suitable exercise in a completely individualized way, we offer you a simple solution on how to turn one day into two: with a healthy plate, quality physical activity and relaxation in saunas, massages and by the pool!

Our plate: "less is more"

The story of healthy eating can be told in many different ways. It can be approached from the point of view of weight loss, improvement of general well-being, health, immune system, elimination of symptoms of chronic diseases, achievement of beautiful, glowing skin. All this and more is primarily related to our diet. In the lines below, I give some general advice on nutrition, which is a basic guide on how to live a healthier life.

Sendi Lešnjak at Klub Breza advises on a healthy diet in combination with appropriate exercise.
Sendi Lešnjak at Klub Breza advises on a healthy diet in combination with appropriate exercise.

Tips for a simple, interesting, but still nutrient-dense plate:

  • Meals should be simple, consisting of fresh ingredients.
  • Avoid excessive combination of ingredients: for easier digestibility, combine them correctly within individual groups of nutrients (starch, fruit, vegetables, protein sources, fats) and not all at once.
  • Eat fruit on its own (the exception is sweet fruit, e.g. banana, persimmon, which can occasionally be combined with starchy foods - cereals in the form of flour, flakes, pasta, semolina - and leafy vegetables), preferably on an empty stomach or before a meal, never after a meal .
  • Starchy foods are eaten on their own, in combination with vegetables and healthy fats, which are added when the dish is ready. Occasionally, cereals can also be combined with sweet fruit (e.g. porridge and smoothies for breakfast with banana, dried fruit,...).
  • Let's turn the ingredients on the plate - the base should be vegetables and the rest side dishes; let's increase our fruit intake.
  • Let's spice up our meals with forgotten starchy foods instead of classic risottos, pasta, potatoes: millet, buckwheat, kamut, quinoa, buckwheat, rye, sweet potatoes...
  • If so, don't eat meat every day, but when you do, combine it only with vegetables for easier digestibility;
  • Let's add spices to our dishes that stimulate our digestion, metabolism, nervous and immune systems: cumin, coriander, rosemary, chili, turmeric, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon,...
  • Let's be moderate: three large meals a day are quite enough, in between only some fruit, a few seeds or nuts, herbal teas, plant-based drinks (rice, almond, soy milk, etc.)
  • Drink enough water (1.5 - 2.5 liters per day), avoid all kinds of sweet drinks - flavored water, carbonated drinks, energy drinks,...
  • Healthy sources of fat: cold-pressed oils that are added when the food is ready, avocados, seeds, nuts.
  • Let's avoid (packaged) sweets and bakery products, fatty meat products, fast food and processed, packaged food - ENJOY THE TASTE OF FRESH FOOD!
  • DESIRE FOR SWEETS: Let's not forget that desserts prepared at home with a little imagination and healthy ingredients can be much better, full of authentic flavors and aromas!
  • Let's forget about high-protein diets, there is no need to burden our organism and metabolism unnecessarily - plant sources of food (cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds) also contain a significant proportion of protein in our diet.
  • In the evening, we can treat ourselves to quality protein sources such as legumes, vegetables, quinoa, kamut, millet, tofu. These sources are much easier to digest than meat, and they also contain much less fat.

Nutrition and physical activity go hand in hand

Once we take a step forward and improve our diet, let's not forget about exercise. With adapted physical activity (walking, swimming, strength exercises, functional training, yoga, pilates,...) we can thoroughly improve our physical fitness, endurance, strength and flexibility, as well as regulate the functioning of the hormonal and nervous system, and also stimulate metabolism and digestion. Regular physical activity improves not only physical health, but also mental health. Namely, it affects the reduction of stress, disconnection from the outside world, mental satisfaction, positive energy, vitality, pleasure, entertainment,...

Activities that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, such as fast walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and intensive training in connection with elements of relaxation and stretching, which are also prepared for you in customized programs, have the fastest effect. the professional team of Breza.

Regular physical activity improves not only physical health, but also mental health.
Regular physical activity improves not only physical health, but also mental health.

And the finishing touch – a sufficient amount of rest and relaxation

In addition to dedication to a healthy diet and exercise, we must not forget about rest and relaxation. At Klub Breza we emphasize the positive effects of sauna. The sauna is a place of relaxation that also brings many health benefits. Overheating of the body causes sweating and, as a result, accelerates the elimination of toxic substances from the body, renews and cleans the skin, metabolism, and also helps release tension in the muscles. A visit to the sauna effectively rounds off the positive effects of a healthy diet and exercise.

Sauna club Breza offers a perfect combination of physical activity, supported by a healthy diet and a sufficient amount of relaxation.
Sauna club Breza offers a perfect combination of physical activity, supported by a healthy diet and a sufficient amount of relaxation.

Advice from the Birza Club Sauna:

Remember that a little motivation and the right direction are enough for positive changes. When we are under stress or want to change, we will get rid of negative feelings the fastest with the help of physical activity, supported by a healthy diet and a sufficient amount of relaxation. You can experience all this in one place in our club

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