
Sergey Brin - the unusual life of the co-founder of Google

Sergey Brin

The name Sergey Brin may not be as famous in the world as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, but when you add that he is the co-founder of Google, you know that he is someone who has changed the way we live in many ways. And when we are just alive; Brin, who is Russian by birth, lives and works in the USA, lives a very unusual life.

Sergey Brin is a 42-year-old computer scientist and businessman, better known as co-founder of Google (total with Larry Page founded it in Susan Wojcicki's garage). Despite the many billions he got his hands on, Brin remains on realistic ground and sometimes also takes the subway.

The unusual life of Sergey Brin.
The unusual life of Sergey Brin.

In 2007, he married in the Bahamas in a diving suit Anna Wojcicki (they divorced last year), Susan Wojcicki's sister, is friends with a whistleblower Edward Snowden and likes to wear shoes without socks.

READ MORE: If Google were a woman

Sergey Brin with Google glasses on the subway.
Sergey Brin with Google glasses on the subway.

Find out about many others below interesting facts from the life of the co-founder of Google.

The unusual life of Sergey Brin:

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