
The Secret Life of Donald Trump

The Secret Life of Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump is considered an extremely controversial figure. Practically not a day goes by when I don't make a splash. He is regularly under fire for his actions and statements, and he is also a grateful target of (duty) comedians. The British artist Alison Jackson also took advantage of it, portraying the mysterious life of Donald Trump in a series of photographs.

You want to know what he's doing Donald Trump, when from The Oval Offices withdraw the cameras? What does he do when he doesn't give? controversial statements and does not sign disputed laws and decrees? This was 'researched' by a British artist Alison Jackson, which is in its own provocative photos revealed a debaucherous life the American president.

When Melanie is not at home, Donald dances.
When Melanie is not at home, Donald dances.

Among other things, how does he have fun with Miss Mexico, how he befriends members of the Ku Klux Klan and how he is The White House changed to his own harem and casino. He doesn't hear anything about Melania.

READ MORE: Donald Trump as a naked troll

It's photos taken in style paparazzi, but in the photos it is not actually Donald Trump, but his double. The British woman published the pictures in a photo book Private, and in the past she has also treated herself in a similar way the British royal family, a football player David Beckham, a musician Kanye West and a cook Gordon Ramsey.

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