
SpaceRip: Must-See Space Documentaries

Documentaries about space

Space. So boundless, so mysterious, so inscrutable. Are you interested in its secrets? We advise you to watch the following five YouTube documentaries that will absolutely amaze you and expand your knowledge to limitless widths, widths known only to the universe.

SpaceRip it is YouTube channel dedicated to space. And because we know that humans pay too little attention to this great unknown above and around us, we searched five fascinating documentaries, who will be able to answer many of the questions you ask yourself about 'his majesty' the Universe.

READ MORE: 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope

Bring popcorn, beer and watch these wonderful documentaries.
Bring popcorn, beer and watch these wonderful documentaries.

Among other things, you can see how on the SpaceRip channel spaceships travel through interstellar space and recording the rotating Earth in 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.

Venus: Death of a Planet

A documentary about why Earth survived and our sister planet Venus died. At the time of their formation 4.5 billion years ago, Earth and Venus were almost identical twins (with practically the same gaseous composition), but since the transition to the solid state they have become complete opposites. Why is the Earth bubbling and Venus suffocating in thick hot clouds filled with toxic gases? What went wrong?

The Largest Black Holes in the Universe

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, just like Slovenian roads, has many black holes (a black hole is an opening in the universe caused by a gravitational collapse). But far away from our galaxy, a very special type of black holes thrives, much more ominous than ours. Good night horror.


Supervolcanoes can erupt so much material that they can change the history of our planet. The climate is literally collapsing and a mass extinction ensues. They are worse than asteroids and nuclear war, as they can erupt more than 1000 cubic kilometers of material, which would cover Slovenia with a 50 meter thick layer of volcanic rocks. Psssssst… don't wake them up.

Cosmic Journeys - Hubble: Universe in Motion

The Hubble Space Telescope celebrates 25 years this year. Since it was put into Earth's orbit a quarter of a century ago, it has greatly changed our view of the universe and provided many discoveries and stunning images of the cosmos. All the best once again!

Earth 100 Million Years From Now

Formation of continents. The map of the Earth was not always as we know it today. This documentary goes back in time as much as 600 million years and explains how we got to the well-known picture that we see on all maps today and where the tectonic movements and friction between them will take us in 100 million years. Will the phrase 'jump across the pond' still be relevant then?

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