
Spring food habits and diet for better well-being

In the spring, our body is ready for healthy changes in the field of nutrition and a spring diet that ensures well-being. This year's spring is therefore used to learn about spring dietary habits and food for optimal well-being. It's not as hard as it seems…

A healthy jump into spring means healthy eating habits and a diet full of food for optimal well-being. This is not as difficult as it seems at first, because with just a few simple dietary changes, we can bring a big spoonful of health and well-being into our lives.

Spring food habits:

  • in the spring, our meals should be lighter
  • there should be as much locally produced food on our plates as possible
  • forget about coffee, sugar and alcohol
  • spring is the time for healthy wild plants - dandelions, plantains, nettles and brambles
  • in spring, nature wakes up - sprouts, buds and leafy parts of plants should also land on our plates
  • fry and cook as little as possible, raw food is best suited in the spring
  • eat as little meat as possible
  • let's avoid bad fats (of animal origin) and don't forget the good ones (omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9)
  • eat as little processed food as possible
  • replace unhealthy snacks with healthy nuts
Quinoa "risotto" with roasted vegetables and strips of chicken breast (cubes of tofu)
Quinoa "risotto" with roasted vegetables and strips of chicken breast (cubes of tofu)

READ MORE: A refreshing spring diet

An example of a healthy spring menu - diet:

Breakfast: green smoothie (1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, 200g spinach)
Snack: an apple and a handful of almonds
Lunch: a large colorful salad with roasted mushrooms and spring vegetables
Dinner: quinoa "risotto" with roasted vegetables and strips of chicken breast (cubes of tofu)

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