
Turn an old smartphone into a video surveillance camera

Olmose control system

There is probably a retired person hiding in the drawer of each of us. but still a perfectly usable smartphone. Why not put it to good use and turn it into a video surveillance camera? All you need is the Olmose, a holder and a charging station that turns the phone into a security guard.

Why should yours an old but still working smartphone Vegetated in the drawer, but when can you put it to good use again? And why furnish the house with an expensive one security system, but when you already have most of the equipment at home? You just have to think of a carrier Olmos and download the app Olmos Guardian, which turn the smartphone into video surveillance camera.

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Holder and charging station Olmose lets you keep things under control no matter where you are. It detects any suspicious movement, even at night, because it rests infrared motion sensor. Remote use is completely simple and takes place via your current smartphone. You can only use video surveillance, turn it on alarm etc. It is a security system for the lowest possible price. For 60 euros you can afford it on a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

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