
A few weeks before his death, Stephen Hawking predicted how the world would end

The latest scientific work of the late scientist and professor Stephen Hawking demonstrates how to determine the existence of parallel universes and how we are all ultimately doomed. He completed the work just two weeks before his death, in which he explains mathematically how a space probe could, theoretically, once and for all determine whether the idea of parallel universes is correct and that humanity inhabits only one of many universes.

Hawking was always enthusiastic about the idea. The theory basically assumes that it is big Bang, which created our universe, are accompanied by countless other big bangs that are gave birth to many parallel universes. With co-author Prof Thomas Hertog in Hawking's last work, they focus on the paradoxes created by this theory and attempt them make it measurable, objective and demonstrable. "We wanted to put the idea of parallel universes into a proven scientific framework," said Hertog.

All well and good, but one of the consequences of this paper is that it is Stephen Hawking predicted the end of our universe. If the theory is proven correct, it will be to our universe run out of energy and it will turn to nothing.

Hawking believed that parallel universes existed. Now we are closer to proving it.
Hawking believed that parallel universes existed. Now we are closer to proving it.

Professor Carlos Frenk of Durham University says: “The fascinating idea in Hawking's work is that these universes have left their imprint on the background radiation that permeates our universe and can be measured by detectors on spacecraft. This idea offers a wonderful possibility to find evidence of the existence of parallel universes. This could profoundly change the perception of our place in the universe.”

Hawking and Hertog's work is currently being reviewed by the peer-reviewed journal to which the work was submitted and will eventually be published.
Given that Hawking was given two years to live when he diagnosed with the disease in 1963 (with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), it is quite incredible that in 2018 the research will be right out of his hands.

That puts it into perspective "eventually the whole universe will die, completely die, and every trace of those who ever existed, their stories, their ideas, those who loved, will be erased forever, not just absent, there will be an absence of absence, nothing, nothing everywhere", don't you think so?

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