
Tiny1 - the best camera for night photography

Tiny1 camera

Many cameras are capable of photographing the night sky, but few are designed specifically for night photography. One such is the Tiny1, a compact camera with a sensor that excels especially in low-light conditions, which is certainly the case at night. And why is it a must-have piece of equipment for all astrologers and skywatchers? If you've ever tried to capture the night sky with a compact camera or phone, you know it's a pretty pointless endeavor. But not with the handy Tiny1 camera.

Camera Tiny1, a prototype of a compact camera for night photography by TinyMOS, will once and for all (if it ever sees the light of day, read, sales shelves) do no more blurry and fuzzy photos of the night sky. It boasts an extremely sensitive sensor, which does not reach the living in poor light conditions, and in doing so it helps advanced image processing system. The result is exceptional photos of stars, constellations and planets, taken much faster than with a DSLR camera, which we know can take its time.

The Tiny1 camera eliminates the need for a lot of heavy and expensive night photography equipment.
The Tiny1 camera eliminates the need for a lot of heavy and expensive night photography equipment.

In addition to creating outstanding photos, the Tiny1 camera is capable of recording videos in 2.5K resolution, and if you have trouble finding a star or constellation, it shows you the most current one with a live view star chart.

READ MORE: Light L16 – one camera, 16 different lenses. It's the most versatile camera in the world!

Remember the Blood Moon from a few weeks ago? If you have a good camera and the right lenses, you probably also have great shots of this phenomenon, but if you took pictures with a compact camera or a camera with a small sensor, you have nothing. If you had a Tiny1 camera (and if it existed back then), you too would be able to show off great photos of the blood moon today. Make sure it stays that way at least in the future!

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