
Trusted Housesitters: Stay in a mansion or dream villa for free

Imagine having the opportunity to stay in the most amazing houses and apartments on your trip - from French farmhouses to beachside villas in Australia. The company Trusted Housesitters allows you to do just that - and for only around 100 euros a year. So if you're willing to look after a pet, accommodation is practically free on the trip.

A concept developed by Trusted Housesitters, is simple: connects people who love to travel, but they always feel a little guilty about having to leave their pets behind. This is where they come to the rescue trustworthy and verified people, which would in exchange for free accommodation, take care of the house and pets.


Would you stay in this house for free?
Would you stay in this house for free?

To be able to secure a night's stay in the truly stunning houses, you will have to build a good reputation. It's pretty simple if you're willing to pay attention to pets in your city in exchange for positive ratings and comments. Your chance of living in your dream mansion is even higher if someone he writes a recommendation and evaluates your character in it and if you allow, yes they check your identification documents.
Are you ready to have the three-story mansion you've always dreamed of while enjoying the company of your adorable four-legged friends?

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