
In Mecca, they are building the largest hotel in the world, Abraj Kudai, with 10,000 rooms

The future largest hotel in the world Abraj Kudaiu.

The largest hotel in the world is being built in the pilgrimage center of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which will have as many as 10,000 rooms and 70 restaurants. The 45-story Abraj Kudaiu will open its doors in 2017 and will surpass the current record holder, the Venetian and the Palazzo in Las Vegas, by almost two thousand rooms, as it offers "only" 8,108. The complex is expected to measure 1.4 million square meters, while the price for it will be measured in billions, and in the end it should amount to a whopping 3.6 billion.

A complex or rather a fort Abraj Kudaiu will have next to 10 thousand rooms a bunch of helipads, 12 towers on 10 floors of the "base", a bus station, a shopping center, a congress center and banquet halls. Behind a project that grows in the heart of Mecca, just a few kilometers away from the famous mosque Masjid al-Haram, the architectural firm Dar Al Handasah stands, and he is its patron Saudi Ministry of Finance. They will be among a dozen separate towers two with five stars, and the remaining ten will join four. Of these, five floors will be inaccessible to most guests, as they will only be reserved for the Saudi royal family.

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Soon, only the second largest hotel in the world, the Venetian and the Palazzo in Las Vegas.
Soon, only the second largest hotel in the world, the Venetian and the Palazzo in Las Vegas.

It will be an exceptional city attraction, new urban dominant, whose interior will follow the style of other prestigious Saudi hotels, and the interior will be recognizable to both the Islamic population and tourists. This task was entrusted to the London studio Arena Hospitality. In addition to hotel rooms, the complex will also offer residential premises and almost as vast as the nearby desert parking lot for mosque visitors.

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