
Why is drinking mineral water better than plain water?

Ever wonder what you're drinking? Water is otherwise tasteless, odorless and colourless, which does not mean that every water does not have a different composition of minerals, microorganisms and chemical elements. It is important to pay attention to drinking water that contains less harmful substances and more of those that our body needs.

Plain water is not necessarily the preferred fluid for hydration. When drinking water that also contains minerals, we also introduce the latter into the body. It's a great choice Magnesia, which contains less sodium and more magnesium. Magnesium is of vital importance in the body for generating energy, so it is also indispensable for those of you who have a fast lifestyle of a modern person or who do a lot of sports.

Mineral Water.
Mineral Water.

Four key benefits of drinking mineral water:
1. We know exactly what we are drinking.
We know the source of the water and its composition, which is indicated on the declaration. The quality of the water is consistent and we are assured that it is not chemically processed.
2. Do something positive for your body.
By taking in minerals that the body needs, we have a beneficial effect on well-being. Magnesia comes from protected natural underground sources, provides all-day hydration and has a positive effect on better well-being.
3. Wide selection of flavors and packaging.
Mineral waters give you a wide choice, as they offer both still, carbonated and mildly carbonated waters. The new mineral water on the Slovenian market, Magnesia, which contains less sodium and more magnesium, is especially beneficial for your body with its composition, and Magnesia GO will certainly impress you with its convenient drinking attachment.
4. It can be drunk anywhere and anytime.
It is available when we do sports, on trips and in the car. Always with guaranteed quality.

Mineral Water.
Mineral Water.

There are more than 3,000 different brands of mineral water in the world. It is a novelty on the Slovenian market Magnesia, mineral water with a suitable content of natural magnesium. One liter of Magnesia contains 163 mg of natural magnesium and 5.2 mg of sodium, which is more magnesium and less sodium than the average for the mineral water category. Due to the lower sodium content and more magnesium, Magnesia is unique, as it does not burden the body with salts.

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