
12th Slovenian Illustration Biennale: Lifetime Achievement Award to Marjan Manček

The largest overview of Slovenian illustration, the Slovenian Biennale of Illustration, at which artists of different generations and orientations compete for prizes, plaques and recognitions of Hinko Smrekar, will be held for the twelfth time this year in Cankarjev dom between December 21, 2016 and March 1, 2017.

Important information
Gallery of Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,00 €

Two years have passed again and a new one, twelfth edition of the Slovenian Illustration Biennale it's at the door! Illustration artists will once again inspire us with theirs creative imagination. It should be emphasized that the biennale was created as the result of the growing self-awareness of the illustrators themselves, who shortly after the birth of our young country organized themselves into a section within the association of fine artists and initiated the creation of this event, the exhibition program Cankar's home and he was very happy to join in the realization of the gallery presentation two years of illustration productions. For the first time, illustration biennials were held in 1993 and since then it has been developed as the most important event, dedicated to illustration in our country.

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Illustration by Marjan Manček in Niko Grafenauer's book, The Frog Radio Station.
Illustration by Marjan Manček in Niko Grafenauer's book, The Frog Radio Station.

This time he receives the Lifetime Achievement Award Marjan Manček; it is presented by Tatjana Pregl Kobe. Illustration has been his strongest field of expression for almost forty years, humor but it is his distinguishing mark.

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