Peter Peter is a Slovenian animated film in a rap version, which was presented for the first time at the 18th Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož, and before coming to the regular schedule, it stopped at the 12th Animateka Animated Film Festival. A lyrically told story about childhood and growing up, which problematizes violence between children, steers between the past and the present, and relies on the wisdom of the tale of Peter Klepec.
Peter Peter is short animated film in a rap performance Slovenian production, which will premiere at the Ljubljana Cinematheque on February 6, 2016 at 6 p.m., followed by a "tour" of screenings at all local locations Art cinema, and it is included in the program of cinemas as a prequel film screenings for children.
READ MORE: Movie trailer: Zootopia (2016)
Under the script and direction 11-minute modern fairy tales Peter Peter signed Katarina Nikolov. It tells the story of a boy, Peter, who is harassed by violent classmates. Peter turns to a "fake" fairy tale for help about Peter Klepec, where he finds inspiration on how to stand up for himself. It is a narrative in verses and the first animated film in a rap performance. Due to its content, length and interesting performance, it is suitable for all generations.