
Open Houses of Slovenia: free entry to good architecture

The upcoming weekend will be held in the context of the Open House of Slovenia event, which is considered our largest real estate architecture festival and at the same time the largest online portal of Slovenian contemporary architecture. It works as part of the Open House Worldwide network, which already includes thirty cities around the world.

Important information
Various locations throughout Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee
admission is free

The purpose of the festival Open houses of Slovenia is above all to enable visitors free hands-on experience experiencing a quality designed space. Festival challenges the established perception of space and wants to inspire visitors and encourage them to become more aware of the possibilities offered by good architecture.

It will be possible to visit between 15 and 17.5 over 100 facilities, arrangement of surroundings and interiors, and in addition, they will also take place as part of the festival conferences, exhibitions, program for children and open offices. Due to the limited number of visitors, registrations are required at private facilities, which will be available after May 11, and more information about the event is available on the website Open houses of Slovenia.

Locations of projects that can be viewed as part of Open Houses of Slovenia.
Locations of projects that can be viewed as part of Open Houses of Slovenia.
Good architecture beckons.
Good architecture beckons.

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