
Exhibition: Antoni Tàpies – Graphics 1959–1987

Antoni Tàpies exhibition at Tivoli Castle

From February 23, 2016, an exhibition of the graphic work of the painter, sculptor, printmaker and theoretician Antonio Tàpies, who is considered one of the most famous Catalan artists after the Second World War, will be held in Ljubljana's Tivoli Castle. The exhibition Antoni Tàpies – Graphics 1959-1987 will be open until June 5, 2016.

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Under turn 3, Tivoli Castle, Ljubljana
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International Graphic Art Center in Tivoli Castle from the second third of February until June will host a transparent graphic opus of the famous Catalan artist Antonio Tàpies (1923−2012), which was created between 1959 and 1987. The exhibition of one of the most famous artists of his generation is created in cooperation with the foundation Fundació Antoni Tàpies from Barcelona (the exhibition is curated by Núria Homs Serra), and will be complemented by art objects from the late 1980s.

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Antoni Tàpies - gray relief in four parts
Antoni Tàpies – gray relief in four parts

Antoni Tàpies has been a "household" name in art since the mid-1950s, and his early works were influenced by surrealism, and then he was "swept" into abstract art. He was also a member of the infamous art movement informal (it is a deviation from the form towards the expressive and spontaneous). With his works, in which he also used "non-graphic" materials (sand, marble dust, earth, etc.), he also influenced Slovenian artists, such as Janez Bernik, Andrej Jemec and Bogdan Borčić.

The exhibition will be hosted by Tivoli Castle.
The exhibition will be hosted by Tivoli Castle.

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