
Vintage Swing Festival 2015 – swing festival in Celje

Swing festival

Do your heels itch? Then don't miss the international Vintage Swing Festival 2015. The "festival" of swing, this first official American dance and a kind of forbidden dance (it was actually banned during the Second World War), is organized by the Slovenian swing association Vintage for the sixth time in a row. Come and help blow up a time bubble in Celje between November 6 and 8.

Important information
Celjski dom, Krekov trg 3, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Swing, the dance of our grandmothers and grandfathers that takes us in the time of black and white shoes, playful feet and bouncy music, will explode again at the festival Vintage Swing Festival (ViSwiFt 2015), at a three-day celebration of dance, music and swing style, which started in 2008 in Ljubljana. The "time capsule" will be enlivened by bands, swing DJs, dance groups with their own points and world-renowned instructors, who will perfect your dance technique. To ensure that everything will not be forgotten (which is otherwise unlikely), the photographers will take care of it, and the girls who will create for the guests will take care of the style vintage hairstyles. There will also be stands with dancing shoes, dresses for ladies, stylish accessories, all of course in a style that befits swing.

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Vintage Swing Festival 2015 promises plenty of fun and unforgettable experiences.
Vintage Swing Festival 2015 promises plenty of fun and unforgettable experiences.

Dance workshops as part of the Vintage Swing Festival 2015, which will be held for the third time in Celje (he took over the baton from Ljubljana years ago), are open for all, both for those with two left feet and no prior knowledge, as well as for the greatest swing masters. It will also be here for the bravest dance competition Jack & Jill. You are welcome!

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