
The closing autumn meeting of ARTish on Gornji trg

The final autumn meeting of ARTish on Gornji trg will take place on September 24, 2016. ARTish started its journey in 2011 and with each meeting brought freshness and creativity to the city's events. The event is a unique opportunity for all artists and amateur creators to present their projects to a wider audience, and passers-by can feast their eyes on unique creations. Promotion of all participants is also taken care of.

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Final autumn ARTish meeting it will be on Gornji trg September 24, 2016 last time held outdoors. From October, this artistic event will move to the Atrium of the ZRC and the lobby of the LP. It's ARTish creative festival, whose purpose they are promotion of artists, good company, interesting conversations, networking and artistic education of participants and passers-by. For artists, the event is a unique opportunity to present their work, and onlookers can support local creators by purchasing.

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It's taken care of organization and promotion of participants, and the organizers also organize the production of quality photo material, which artists can later use for their own marketing purposes. Welcome to Gornji trg on September 24. It is for exhibitors application deadline is September 20, 2016. You can find more information about ARTish here.

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