
Hiplok – a bicycle lock that can also be a fashion accessory

A group of passionate cyclists, in one of the European capitals, has created a line of attractive and convenient hiplok locks, designed for different types of bikes and the needs of their owners. They offer very different types, from those where you can literally wrap the lock around your waist (hiplok V1.50) and it can also be a nice addition to your outfit, or convenient locks that you attach to your backpack or the hem of your pants (hiplok D).

Basic information
The price

The photo shows three different models of hiplok locks: hiplok D, POP and V1.50
The photo shows three different models of hiplok locks: hiplok D, POP and V1.50

Regardless of the model, it's for everyone hypoloc equally easy to carry and also a high level of safety for the bike they protect, but they are also extremely durable and durable. hiplok V1.50 is also a nice fashion accessory for the cyclist who prefers urban clothes, as it looks like a kind of sports belt.

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There is also a LITE version, which is a slightly lighter and smaller version of this lock, which is available in many interesting color shades and is intended for younger users, especially women.

Info Box

More information: hiplok.com

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