
Intelligent mirror Lucy - Natural light in every home!

Lucy is a lighting system that uses sunlight for lighting

Lucy is a lighting system where Italian design meets robotics. It is an intelligent mirror that follows the sun during the day, reflects sunlight and directs it to the same place in the room throughout the day. Natural light is very important for people, as it has a beneficial effect on health, well-being and psycho-physical abilities, and it also creates a pleasant atmosphere. Unfortunately, the rooms are not always planned in her favor. But that's why we have Lucy, which delivers what windows can't.

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The price

No artificial lighting can compete with natural lighting. That's why intelligent mirror Lucy it does not generate light but instead uses a flexible mirror and a series of intelligent sensors. You they follow the sun throughout the day and they move the mirror so that reflects sunlight venomer to the place we have chosen. So as the light breaks.

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But if you have to in order to have a lamp in the room, go ahead take care of the wiring and so plan things in advance, you just have to for Lucy find a place that has enough sun during the day, point the mirror at the desired place, and she will do everything else. You can pre-order it for (calculated) 180 euros and if the price seems high, just think how much it will reduce your electricity bill! After the purchase, it won't cost you a single euro, as it is powered by it solar energy.

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