
JetSurf – an extremely interesting water toy

Jet - Surf / Innovative board for water pleasures

JetSurf glides over the surface of the water at a good 55 km/h, which is unheard of on land, but on the water is truly extraordinary. A toy for real men who don't just want to lie on the beach in the summer, but need the company of a great gadget.

Basic information
The price

It is already the case that surfing waves without motorization means long journeys and waiting for the right wave. But if the addiction to doing this kind of thing just gets too much, there is a cure. JetSurf is a truly innovative toy that is technologically sophisticated. Handcrafted with special attention to detail, a powerful engine and a design board that allows transport in a normal avomobile. At the end, the information that the board it can do 55 km/h, which is certainly remarkable.

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