
Plixi: the first folding bicycle helmet

Plixi has everything the 'big ones' have. Safety, comfort and appearance. But it takes up much less space when you don't need it.

We all know that as soon as a bike helmet leaves our head, it turns from a useful piece of equipment to an awkward piece of equipment. But if ten years ago it was quite exotic to wear a helmet while driving in the city, helmets are increasingly penetrating mainstream waters and have a better and better grip in the fashion, not just safety, field. But the problem from the first sentence remains. Where with her when we dismount the bike. Because it is too big for a purse and a backpack. Well, no more with the Overade Plixi folding helmet.

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The price

Although helmets have not yet managed to penetrate the law o road traffic regulations, but they are still a law, as more and more people are realizing. Even those who not long ago resented her for messing up their hair. Resistance to the argument that it is for everyone who uses the bike as means of transport, in terms of security the head needs at least as much as a bicycle lock (which, of course, is a statement that does not correspond to the facts, but one has to start somewhere), so it is less and less. Those who keep a list of reasons why they give up helmets can now cross one more off it. 'False', 'elephant in a china shop' when we take it off our heads. Plixi company family Auditions it is collapsible helmet, which shrinks just as much or it folds into itself so you don't have to hold it under your armpit or dangle it around your wrist like a little watch.

With yours patent it resembles the tin heroes from the film about Transformers, but its safety does not suffer at the expense of innovation (it fulfills European standard EN 1078), not comfort (weighs only 490g) and not a look that resembles a skating ace 14 vents, which prevent them from boiling under the 'lid' and making them look as red as a boiled crab.

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More information: overade.com

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